
bestselling author

k.a. riley

sci-fi and fantasy

“This has got to be one of the most fantastic books I’ve ever read!” 
– Amazon reviewer re: Recruitment

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the conspiracy chronicles




Recruitment: special edition

Special extended edition of book one of The Resistance Trilogy

It’s October 31st. Today, Kress is sixteen years old.
Tomorrow, she’ll be taken.

Coming Soon

The Amnesty Games

New YA Dystopian novel coming Sept 21, 2023

For fans of The Hunger GamesDivergent, and The Maze Runner by the author of Recruitment and the Cure


Coming Dec 15, 2023

The first in a new Dystopian Romance series by the author of Recruitment and The Cure.

Young Adult Dystopian Fiction

Resistance Trilogy

The Resistance Trilogy

The first trilogy in The Conspiracy Chronicles

In 2042, the country has been invaded by the dreaded Eastern Order. Kress and her friends have been recruited to help… only the military camp they’re taken to is getting more mysterious and deadlier by the day.


Conspiracy Chronicles
Book 1


Conspiracy Chronicles
Book 2


Conspiracy Chronicles
Book 3

Emergents Trilogy

The Emergents Trilogy

The second trilogy in The Conspiracy Chronicles

Picking up where the Resistance Trilogy leaves off, the Emergents Trilogy follows Kress and her Conspiracy on a daring quest to restore democracy and truth to the country. Not all Emergents are ready to accept who and what they are, however, and some have even started using their abilities for selfish or evil ends.


Conspiracy Chronicles
Book 4


Conspiracy Chronicles
Book 5


Conspiracy Chronicles
Book 6

Transcendent Trilogy

The Transcendent Trilogy

The third trilogy in The Conspiracy Chronicles

Picking up where the Resistance Trilogy and Emergents Trilogy leave off, Kress and her friends—old and new—embark on a danger-filled, whirlwind crusade that makes their previous adventures look like a summer vacation.


Conspiracy Chronicles
Book 7


Conspiracy Chronicles
Book 8


Conspiracy Chronicles
Book 9

Transcendent Trilogy


The fourth trilogy in The Conspiracy Chronicles

On the brink of a new global apocalypse, the mysterious raven-whisperer Branwynne and the techno-genetically enhanced teenagers of the Emergents Academy find themselves entangled in a three-way battle for power, where survival is doubtful, peace is impossible, and death is inevitable.

Emergents Academy

Conspiracy Chronicles
Book 10

Cult of the Devoted

Conspiracy Chronicles
Book 11

Army of the Unsettled

Conspiracy Chronicles
Book 12

Transcendent Trilogy

Ravenmaster Chronicles

The fifth trilogy in The Conspiracy Chronicles

When Epic—the villainous, marble-skinned techno-geneticist—threatens to use her own past against her, Kress will need to fight, not just for her life, but for the fate of every living person on the planet.


Conspiracy Chronicles
Book 13


Conspiracy Chronicles
Book 14


Conspiracy Chronicles
Book 15

Young Adult Science Fiction & Dystopian Romance

Transcendent Trilogy

the cure chronicles

A five-part dystopian romance for readers of The Hunger Games, Divergent, and The Selection

Before the Blight, becoming an adult was something teenagers looked forward to.
But now, turning eighteen means certain death.

Unless you prove yourself worthy of the Cure.

the cure

The Cure Chronicles
Book 1


The Cure Chronicles
Book 2


The Cure Chronicles
Book 3


The Cure Chronicles
Book 4


The Cure Chronicles
Book 5

Fantasy Romance

Fae of Tíria

For fans of A Court of Thorns and Roses and other fantasy romance comes a trilogy filled with twists, turns, and passionate, forbidden desire. Not intended for young audiences. 

A Kingdom Scarred

One fateful night, as Lyrinn flees for her life, she discovers a hidden path up the cliff beyond her town that guides her to the Fae realm of Tíria. There, she encounters a Fae so extraordinary and captivating that she finds herself inextricably drawn to him, despite her fear that he plans to send her to her death.

A Crown Broken

 When Lyrinn finds herself a prisoner in a distant realm, she quickly discovers that not all is as it seems. Torn between two lands and two lives, she learns of the Elar—an Immortal imbued with lethal powers whose shadow casts an ominous threat on all the realms of the world.

Of Flame and Fury

When Leta’s sister Lyrinn disappeared after the Blood Trials, there was only one thing for Leta to do: seek solace in the arms of Prince Corym, the most powerful mortal in Kalemnar.

The force that brought them together will prove powerful, relentless, and devastating. But will their attraction heal them…or shatter them both?

Young Adult Fantasy

The Seeker’s Series

In the space of two days, Vega Sloane has a birthday, finds out she’s a Seeker, meets a boy, and has to decide if she’s going to cross over with him into a dragon-filled realm to save the world.

A magic-filled YA Fantasy series for the romantic dragon-lover in all of us!

Seeker's World

“You are a Seeker. Prove yourself worthy, and you may just save the world”

Seeker's Quest

What seems like a simple rescue mission quickly turns into something far more perilous than Vega could ever have imagined.

Seeker's Fate

A Seeker’s work is never finished, and Vega has a crucial task ahead of her: find the Lyre of Adair before the Usurper Queen’s minions do.

Seeker's Promise

Vega finds herself—and those she cares about—changing in ways she never anticipated.

Seeker's Hunt

Betrayal, bonds, and a battle in Fairhaven will threaten Vega’s life, her love, and the family she’s managed to build. Will she be able to stop the danger before all is lost?

Adult Science Fiction

Athena’s Law

Dystopian Sci-Fi  Series

It’s 2088. Under Athena’s Law, men can’t own guns, women have all the power, and the world is at peace…or so it seems.

A political sci-fi thriller—one of Riley’s grittier futuristic series, more for the grown-up and older YA crowd.

Rise of the Inciters

Book 1. What would the world look like if only women controlled weapons and government?

Into an Unholy Land

Book 2. Her world is in flames. But the new world that awaits? It’s much, much worse.

No Man's Land

With a ruthless and vengeful army hot on their trail, Marion and her fugitive friends try to reclaim their world.

About the author

K. A. Riley is a writer of speculative and science fiction, dedicated to creating worlds just different enough from our own to be entertaining, intriguing and a little frightening all at once.

For Riley, writing isn’t a job. It’s a laboratory where readers can wander into a land of ideas; it’s a playground where they can scamper around, giggling, gasping, and freaking out to their hearts’ content.


Booze and Writing

Booze and Writing

My Dearest Fellow Conspirators, I’m pretty sure every writer is familiar with Hemingway’s advice to, “Write drunk, and edit sober.” Apparently, Hemingway never said that. But that’s not my point. Instead, I thought I’d look at the phrase as the metaphor it is and...

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Academy of the Apocalypse

Academy of the Apocalypse

My Dearest Fellow Conspirators, Well, Terminus, the final book of the nine-book Conspiracy Chronicles is finished, published, and up for sale! (It’s weird to think of the books as being “for sale.” I feel like once you buy them, I’m never going to see them again. And...

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Fantastic Fantasy

Fantastic Fantasy

My Dearest Fellow Conspirators, These are strange times. People keep cracking jokes about how dystopian authors don't have to use their imagination anymore because we're living in the very world we've always written about.  There’s some truth to this. But it’s a...

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Accent Discontent and the Inflection Connection

Accent Discontent and the Inflection Connection

My Dearest Fellow Conspirators, There are certain stereotypes associated with certain groups. The English are stereotyped by Americans as being a little aloof, a little uptight, and a little dedicated to dropping their “h’s.” I’m a writer. It’s not my place to say...

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Author Interview

Author Interview

My Dearest Fellow Conspirators, This isn't really a blog. But it is (I hope) an informative, behind-the-scenes look at some of what my writing and I are all about. Esther Rabbit -- writer, blogger, and educator -- conducted an interview with me (see link below) about...

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Writing Across the Pond

Writing Across the Pond

My Dearest Fellow Conspirators, I just put Travelers to bed. First of all, that’s a figurative, not literal, reference to my latest novel, and not to a child or a to a dog…just in case you haven’t been paying attention. Travelers is Book 1 of the Transcendent Trilogy....

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“Writer” is a Plural Word

“Writer” is a Plural Word

My Dearest Fellow Conspirators, I think we often think of writing as a solitary exercise: some lone man or woman hammering out page after page in the quiet isolation of a study or tucked away in a book-cluttered office. There’s definitely some truth to that. Most of...

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Working with the Write Dog

Working with the Write Dog

My Dearest Fellow Conspirators, In case you didn’t know it, I have the best dog in the world! I’m not sure if I’m the best person, but I’m a work in progress, and my dog seems to realize that and gives me room to pursue my never-ending efforts at self-improvement. As...

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London in the Time of Corona

London in the Time of Corona

My Dearest Fellow Conspirators, I just got back from London, England. I’ll let that sink in… You know you’re in the middle of a real-life apocalypse when they start shutting down the British pubs. First things first. I’m fine. So far, anyway! Maybe that’s one of the...

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Coming Soon: The Academy of the Apocalypse!

Coming Soon: The Academy of the Apocalypse!

My Dearest Fellow Conspirators, The second trilogy in The Conspiracy Ennealogy has just come to a conclusion with Synthesis, which is now out on Amazon! The Transcendent Trilogy—the final three books of the nine-part Conspiracy Chronicles—will be coming out one at a...

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