My Dearest Fellow Conspirators, I spend a lot of time thinking about politics, racial and gender issues, what it means to grow up in today’s world, and all the assorted things that stop us from being the angelic society we eternally hope to become. What can I say? I...
My Dearest Fellow Conspirators, There’s so much out there to write about and so many genres to write it in. So why Y.A.? There are indeed a lot of genres out there, and I have eclectic tastes. There’s not much I don’t enjoy reading. So why write Young Adult?...
My Dearest Fellow Conspirators, Today’s topic is on how to count from one to nine. A book is called a book. Three books are called a trilogy. But nine books in one series? Yes, my dear Conspirators. There’s a name for that. It’s called an ennealogy. It means a...